5 ways to maximise your 21/22 tax year — Hoxton Capital Management

5 ways to maximise your 21/22 tax year
As we head into the 2022 tax year many people will be taking the time to look at their finances. Here are 5 things we recommend everyone considers that could enhance their financial arrangement.
Max out your ISA (or equivalent)
The UK ISA allowance for this tax year is £20,000. ISAs allow you to save and invest tax free and are worth taking full advantage of. If you are permanently non-UK resident it is likely there will be something similar to an ISA that you can take advantage of.
Revisit your mortgage and get a new quote
This is incredibly important. Last week our mortgage team helped an individual switch their mortgage and saved them £600 per month. This person could have done this 5 years ago and would have saved £36,000 over the last 5 years.
Originally published at https://hoxtoncapital.com on April 7, 2021.