A look back on our 2020 — Hoxton Capital Management

A look back on our 2020
Welcome to a new year. We hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and New Year, or at least celebrated as best they could given the circumstances we are in.
With a bit of luck, this year will be a more precedented one than an unprecedented one, and we will all see a return to the normality that has been gone for so long.
Looking back on the year just gone as a company, we have a lot to be grateful for. We are confident we have outperformed the rest of our industry and positioned ourselves well to continue to do so through 2021.
Some key stats on our year:
- We started the year with 71 people in the company and finished with 182.
- We increased the number of clients we manage by 114.86%.
- Our growth model portfolio returned 27.79%.
- Our balanced portfolio returned 17.35% — 6.39% more than our largest offshore competitor (10.96% for the year) and 12.29% more than our largest UK based competitor (5.06% for the year).
- Our Cautious portfolio returned 9.68%.

What is to come from the year ahead?
Unfortunately, as the last year has shown, anything can happen. What it has also shown is how important it is to have a financial plan in place and that if you have a well-managed portfolio even in tough times you can achieve growth. Whilst we can’t predict the future here at Hoxton, we can help you to be financially prepared for most eventualities. We will continue to deliver the best possible results and service to our clients no matter how the year goes.
Thank you to all our clients for putting your trust in us, we are incredibly grateful you are with us. We plan to have an even bigger and better 2021 with lots of exciting developments on the near horizon, all of which will help us service you better and improve your Hoxton experience further.
Now is the time to get yourself set up for the rest of the year. If you are a client of ours, schedule a review with your advisor. If you are not a client of ours, please get in touch if you would like a free impartial review of your financial arrangements.
We wish everyone a prosperous 2021.
Originally published at https://hoxtoncapital.com on January 6, 2021.