Could citizenship by investment programs become the easiest way for Brits to secure their retirement abroad? — Hoxton Capital Management

Hoxton Capital Management
2 min readJun 9, 2021

Could citizenship by investment programs become the easiest way for Brits to secure their retirement abroad?

At the end of April we announced the launch of our citizenship by investment service. For anyone looking for more information regarding this, our website is now updated with further information regarding the options we are offering and detailed downloadable guides for each location. This can be found here:

Why is this interesting?

Many Brits plan to retire in Europe, with some of the most popular destinations being Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal. We are currently in a state where many people are now uncertain as to the ease of this process, given the UK’s exit from the European Union. Whilst Brexit in no way makes retiring in Europe impossible, it potentially adds complexity to the process and could lead to Brits finding themselves subjected to rules changing and inflexibilities such as time in country requirements.

Securing your retirement in Europe is just one of a range of benefits that acquiring a European passport offers. As a European passport holder, you would have the same freedom of movement to live and work anywhere in Europe as before. It also provides more tax planning opportunities.

How much does this cost?

Almost every country is currently offering at least one program, with some offering as many as 8 different formats to their residency or citizenship by investment options. These range in price and structure, and much like pension planning, speaking with an advisor who understands all the options and your plans and goals, is essential. Here are some of the most popular options:

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Originally published at on June 9, 2021.



Hoxton Capital Management

Hoxton Capital Management is a borderless, independent financial advisory consultancy.